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Holiday Season Can Challenge Those With Addictions

For those living with addiction, this time of the year can give rise to a host of addiction-triggering emotions and feelings such as excitement, loneliness, depression and anger.

A Cultural Affair Raises More than $97,000 for TTUHSC Scholarships

SNMA celebrated diversity and raised more than $97,000 with the Night Under the Stars 13th Annual Scholarship Gala on Dec. 3.

More Than a Shave and a Haircut

Students from TTUHSC have formed the Barbershop Blood Pressure Group. The students currently make periodic visits to about 10 Lubbock barber shops to provide free blood pressure checks and general health education.

Kicking the Habit Puts the Heart Into the Great American Smokeout

It is estimated cigarettes annually lead to the death of more 480,000 people in the U.S. The Great American Smokeout, which the American Cancer Society began in 1977, continues to encourages smokers to kick the habit.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Research Grants Fund Eight New TTUHSC Initiatives

Eight teams within the TTUHSC community were chosen as recipients of research grants offered through the Office of DEI, in collaboration with the Office of Research and the Office of the Provost.

Interprofessional Toy Fair and Expo Serves Families, Benefits Students

On October 15, the Office of Interprofessional Education (IPE) hosted the Interprofessional Toy Fair and Expo, created for children ages 0-3 who receive early intervention services for developmental delays and disabilities.

TTUHSC Event Seeks to Spread the Word About Alzheimer’s Disease

The GIA is partnering with the TTUHSC Center of Excellence for Translational Neuroscience and Therapeutics and the School of Medicine’s Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience to host the Alzheimer’s Awareness Fair 2022.

When it Comes to Grief, One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Michelle Saenz, a licensed professional associate supervised by Evelyn Haro Brister and a mental health clinician at TTUHSC School of Medicine, discussed cultural celebrations and grief.

TTUHSC Distinguished Alumni Honored

The heroic actions of John Cheng, M.D., saved dozens of lives on May 15, 2022. At the TTUHSC Distinguished Alumni Awards, Cheng’s wife Elise was presented the first TTUHSC Presidential Award for Heroism.

Living Scared: Why Do We Enjoy Horror Movies, Dangerous Activities?

Natalie Scanlon, Ph.D., L.P., suggested several reasons why some enjoy having their spine tingled on a regular basis.
